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Weight Loss Articles
Cardio Can Kill
I'm not a big fan of long cardio, especially extreme bouts of cardio - i.e. running marathons. Just this past weekend a 41-year old man died running one of the Toronto marathons. Last year, same thi - Found June 23, 2008
Cardio is a Waste of Time for Fat Loss
While the mainstream fitness media still insists that aerobic exercise is a great way to lose weight, Turbulence Training users know that interval training is the better way to burn body fat. - Found September 07, 2008
Cardio is NOT the Key to Fat Loss
Do you have questions about Turbulence Training? How it works? What's in the workouts? Or even what does it mean? Recently one of the UK's top trainers, Paul Mort from, interrogated - Found June 23, 2008
Cardio Weight Loss Mythbuster
Here is the Myth: You have to do cardio after lifting for fat loss because your glycogen is low from the lifting, and that way you will burn more fat. And now, the Truth: - Found September 07, 2008
Create Your Own Diet - Quickly & Easily!!!
strong>MORE THAN 100,000 PEOPLE THIS YEAR WILL FAIL AT THE DIET THEY ARE CURRENTLY FOLLOWING BECAUSE THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO LEARN! If you are like most people, you've tried dieting before.... - Found November 15, 2008
Developing a Tight, Lean, Sexy Body Using Carbohydrates...
I just wrapped up a series of weight loss and health enhancement seminars in Florida, and during that seminar I spoke about how I personally break up carbohydrates when working with my personal clients to create a diet... - Found November 02, 2008
Dirty Trick Beats Fat Loss Plateau
I once had a training partner that would put more weight on the bar than I expected. For example, if I planned to do 200 lbs for 8 reps, he would sneak on 210. And the thing is, I often ended up doing it just as - Found June 24, 2008
Do What You Love AND Make Money At It - Part 2 of 4
As I shared last week, when I look back over my successes I see one constant denominator. The indescribable passion to see people achieve all they were created to achieve, to help them get passed whatever is holding... - Found October 07, 2008
Do What You Love AND Make Money At It! (Part 1)
As I look back over my successes - and my learning experiences that some call failure - I see one common denominator. I have always had an indescribable passion to help people get past whatever holds them back, and to... - Found July 03, 2008
Do What You Love AND Make Money At It! (Part 3 of 4)
As I've shared over the last couple of weeks, when I look back over my successes, I see one common denominator: The indescribable passion to see people achieve all they were created to achieve, to help them get passed... - Found July 03, 2008