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Bob Proctor
HealthLife Blog: Bob Proctor
Posted June 18, 2008 3:22 PM GST

If you’re feeling some level of discontent, you’re probably on the right track.

Posted by Bob Proctor | 0 Comments | Post a Comment

I know – I might be the first one to be telling you this. After all, who ever thought discontent was a good thing? The fact is, discomfort or discontent with the way something is in your life is not a negative thing. If you really take a close look at the history of all progress, you will realize discontent is a very positive, creative force. When everything in life is running smoothly ... something most people long for ... we have a tendency to become very satisfied and quite often complacent.

George Bernard Shaw said, "As long as I have a want, I have a reason for living. Satisfaction is death."

It’s important that we never confuse happiness with contentment as there is a considerable difference. There is great reward in being happy with your accomplishments and lot in life … but you should never be content. The higher side of your personality is always for expansion and fuller expression!

It was Edison’s discontent with the way in which we illuminated a darkened place... Read More
TAGS: Bob Proctor, Discontent, Life
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Posted June 17, 2008 3:12 PM GST

How do people find the time to improve their lives?

Posted by Bob Proctor | 0 Comments | Post a Comment

Q: Bob, I go through these moments of being so stoked about changing my life for the better and I WANT to sit down and figure out how to apply more and learn more to make my life better … but my life is jam-packed full from sunrise to midnight! I’m up with the kids, then driving to work. I rarely have time to even get out of the office for lunch, then it’s driving back home to family and kids. It’s nuts. How do people find the time to improve their lives?

A: My first question to you would be – How badly do you want it? If you want it badly enough, you must be willing to give up something in order to bring that new good in. You’ve obviously changed your life patterns to be married. You’ve further changed your life patterns to have children and nurture them as you do. So, when it comes to studying and applying the principles that can dramatically change your life for the better, you’re going to have to do what you’ve already proven you can do! As my good friend, Rev.... Read More
TAGS: Life, Improve, Earl Nightingale, Bob Proctor
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